Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Blog 5


When I first started using twitter it was too interact with my cheer team and gym. Now I interact with more people with whom I would potentially have a similar job too or my friends who post their art snd films. It is beneficial to see people who are in a similar stage of life to me and interact with people in my field in learning new things and I find it motivating. Finding a group of teachers who teach the same subject will be great for my future career. I could bounce ideas and learn ideas from them to use in the classroom.

The digital divide affects student's success they cannot do the same things as similar students its not fair. In low SES areas, students are less likely to have internet access and as schools move towards all online it makes it impossible for those students to work outside of the classroom. Also, some students may have grown up with no technology around them and teachers expect students to know how to work a computer or website. some students may have never had the chance to work on any sort of technology. I want to teach elementary art and thankfully that's normally a hand on no homework type of class. If I assigned students a graphic design assignment there would definitely be students who do not know how to work their computer or come to school with it dead since they cannot charge it at home. having desktops in class and doing computer tutorials with the whole class so no one feels awkward.

I want to implement graphic design software and photo editing software. Those two types of art are becoming more popular and could even be a great future job. I am an art history minor and I took two art classes during my freshman year and basically, everyone was a graphic design major and it is one of the best ways to put your artistic talents into use in the world. Also, photo editing software is useful in daily life we all take pictures evry single day, and learn how to edit them can be a creative outlet. I just want students to not feel stressed while learning and being creative. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Blog 4


Students in second-grade will be able to start to use technology with some help. They will use different websites to create their own stories or audio recording poems. Learning the basics of navigating websites is a good skill to learn. I want to teach art and I feel like it is harder implementing technology into art. I say audio recording poems on the list and you could draw something to go along with the poems. Also, making a story from pictures could work as well.

I chose the third-grade visual arts lesson plan ideas. Under this, it gives you pre-made lesson plans with what you need in your classroom to do it and what standards it covers. It can be hard to make lesson plans that follow all the stars and are still entraining for students, especially in art classes. Art, music, P.E. are all classes kids do not want to do math or writing in. It is a class for fun. Adding standards into classes that are supposed to be fun can be hard so getting ideas on how to meet standards and still have a fun class would be how I use this website. 

I have heard of reverse image searching but I never knew how to do it. I saw the hyperlink and read how to do it and tried it. I will definitely be using that new skill in the future. I will always use google search to make sure I know the right answer or if I do not know an answer to a question a student asks me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Blog 3


Copyright are laws about objects people create whether its art or a song. Laws make it so if someone wants to use your creation they need your permission. Fair use is when you can use the content for specific reasons and must give it a new life or light making sure you follow the four rules. If I want to teach art classes I would be using it for educational purposes and make sure my students do not copy the exact art and make it their own with their own style and twist.

 Cyberbullying has become a newfound problem as technology becomes a bigger part of kids' lives. Making sure students' school laptops have features to stop them from messaging each other privately. For out of school technology teaching kids how to report and block people and making sure they can come to talk to you or another trusted adult about the situation. Decreased productivity is definitely common when you are staring at your computer at home all day. Psychologically it is more conducive to not do work in your room or in bed. So doing school in a study room or at a desk with help with decreased productivity. Also making sure to take stretch breaks every so often to get the blood moving. 

While working on the newsletter I learned how to put hyperlinks in word. I can improve on the color scheme and spacing. Next time I should sketch out beforehand how I want the newsletter to flow. I forgot to plan and just kinda stuff In places as I went. I will use the things I learned as a teacher to create newsletters for my own class or just cute things to hang on the walls.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Blog 2

I first started using Microsoft word in elementary school to type up book reporters and speeches.

My mom would make me write out before I typed it so she could help me type out my projects.

In middle school, I used it more for projects and regular homework assignments but would print

it out and turn it in. Also in 7th grade, I took a technology class that taught me how to use

Microsoft applications. In high school, I used a mix of google docs when doing group projects

and Microsoft for turning in assignments on canvas. I prefer word since a majority of people

can open it and I’m less likely to have trouble turning In assignments when using it. I do like

using google docs for Grammarly and for group assignments since I can add people to documents. 

I believe that collaborator is an important ISTE. Educators work with others in a similar field to gain insight and knowledge. along with working with students to see how they feel about any activities or resources used in class. it is important for students to work together since not everyone thinks the same way. seeing how to do a math problem or how to create a project can open a student's mind.

I agree that digital native is a good term as kids who grew up on technology speak the digital world fluently. being a digital native means being born during the time technology was popular. The difference I have seen between teachers and students is needing our help when they cannot figure out how to play a video or restart their computer. W can do it ourselves. I did have one teacher better at technology than but she taught a class that used a lot of technology and digital things. when the teacher had technology problems it would waste time we could have been learning and sometimes set us back on our learning schedule. I expect students to be better than me with technology because it is ever-changing but I hope I can keep up with them. I think students will be using crazy websites or apps to do assignments that I could possibly not understand. I will probably stick to the technology I grew up with. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Blog 1

    Hey! I am Jaelyn Migetz. I was born in Knoxville, Tennessee but grew up in Orlando,

Florida. I am a junior at Florida State majoring in family child sciences and minors in

art history and education. I have a younger sibling who goes to UF. Gross, I know.

I hope to either teach elementary art or work in an art museum education department.

    In elementary and middle school I had a computer lab class where we learned

to type, play math games, and learn how to Microsoft applications. In 9th grade,

I took a digital Vidoe production class. There I learned how to film and edit videos.

I got a certificate in adobe premiere. During my last two years of high school,

our entire school got school laptops. We did all our school work on them.

 During my freshman year of college, I took a 2D design class. For the class,

I had to post my pics I created along with the progress of making it on a Tumblr

page. In my sophomore year of college, I joined a club called Lady Spirithunters.

We have a few Facebook groups used to keep each other informed and share

thing with each other. In college, I use micro soft applications a lot and

sometimes google docs for group assignments. 

Tennessee Theatre

"Tennessee Theatre" by Frank Kehren is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Blog 10

Not all students enjoy the same things when learning and sometimes as a teacher you do not know how to make the lesson engaging. Making a su...