Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Blog 3


Copyright are laws about objects people create whether its art or a song. Laws make it so if someone wants to use your creation they need your permission. Fair use is when you can use the content for specific reasons and must give it a new life or light making sure you follow the four rules. If I want to teach art classes I would be using it for educational purposes and make sure my students do not copy the exact art and make it their own with their own style and twist.

 Cyberbullying has become a newfound problem as technology becomes a bigger part of kids' lives. Making sure students' school laptops have features to stop them from messaging each other privately. For out of school technology teaching kids how to report and block people and making sure they can come to talk to you or another trusted adult about the situation. Decreased productivity is definitely common when you are staring at your computer at home all day. Psychologically it is more conducive to not do work in your room or in bed. So doing school in a study room or at a desk with help with decreased productivity. Also making sure to take stretch breaks every so often to get the blood moving. 

While working on the newsletter I learned how to put hyperlinks in word. I can improve on the color scheme and spacing. Next time I should sketch out beforehand how I want the newsletter to flow. I forgot to plan and just kinda stuff In places as I went. I will use the things I learned as a teacher to create newsletters for my own class or just cute things to hang on the walls.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent point about kids needing breaks! Breaks really help them get some energy out so that they can refocus. There's a really fun site called GoNoodle (www.gonoodle.com) that provides songs/dances/activities for these "brain breaks."


Blog 10

Not all students enjoy the same things when learning and sometimes as a teacher you do not know how to make the lesson engaging. Making a su...