Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Blog 2

I first started using Microsoft word in elementary school to type up book reporters and speeches.

My mom would make me write out before I typed it so she could help me type out my projects.

In middle school, I used it more for projects and regular homework assignments but would print

it out and turn it in. Also in 7th grade, I took a technology class that taught me how to use

Microsoft applications. In high school, I used a mix of google docs when doing group projects

and Microsoft for turning in assignments on canvas. I prefer word since a majority of people

can open it and I’m less likely to have trouble turning In assignments when using it. I do like

using google docs for Grammarly and for group assignments since I can add people to documents. 

I believe that collaborator is an important ISTE. Educators work with others in a similar field to gain insight and knowledge. along with working with students to see how they feel about any activities or resources used in class. it is important for students to work together since not everyone thinks the same way. seeing how to do a math problem or how to create a project can open a student's mind.

I agree that digital native is a good term as kids who grew up on technology speak the digital world fluently. being a digital native means being born during the time technology was popular. The difference I have seen between teachers and students is needing our help when they cannot figure out how to play a video or restart their computer. W can do it ourselves. I did have one teacher better at technology than but she taught a class that used a lot of technology and digital things. when the teacher had technology problems it would waste time we could have been learning and sometimes set us back on our learning schedule. I expect students to be better than me with technology because it is ever-changing but I hope I can keep up with them. I think students will be using crazy websites or apps to do assignments that I could possibly not understand. I will probably stick to the technology I grew up with. 

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Blog 10

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